Thursday, August 13, 2009


Another reminder why I am never moving back to Phoenix started off my road trip. The 1st 2 days in Arizona were to be camping with my parents. That got canceled due to the fact that my Grandparents had a home invasion. They had 4 men with gun's bust into their home and hold them at gunpoint while they went through the house taking only an envelope of money my grandparents had just withdrawn from the bank. The police believe a bank employee tipped them off. It was an inside job. My grandparents were not hurt, in fact my Grandmother commented on how nice they were as they went about their illicit activity. A new security system and more secure door & window cages are being installed.

I visited with my Grandparents the whole 1st day, they showed me around the camper they are giving me. We sat and talked all day & then we all met up with my parents for dinner. After dinner I visited my favorite {dancing} establishment in Phoenix, the candy store. Where 3 young lovely ladies danced with{for} me.

The next morning I went to visit Jim but couldn't come over right away as there was a bobcat laying on his front porch, no one could leave or enter until the bobcat decided to leave. After the bobcat wandered off and sat in a neighbors tree, I came in. Jim showed me around his home, this is a new one since I was here last. We headed outside, he handed me a golf club? For the snakes, he said. His pool was amazing with skulls inlaid in the waterfall and a cement table in the shallow end to swim around and have drinks. We retired to his home bar and drank Water and discussed politics. They live in a very Republican neighborhood. They may be the only normal people in that town. Jim does construction and has done many of the homes and businesses in that area. That is the reason he moved out there. He has been written up in the paper as a person who hires illegal aliens, he has a crew of Mexicans that have worked for him for many years. They are Mexican nationals with the right to work in the U.S. However the paper obviously looked into this accusation as the unidentified neighbor who submitted the story responded, I know because they have Mexico license plates. I don't think any ILLEGAL would drive around in a vehicle marked Mexico. Oh and now he is apparently a drop spot for human traffickers from Mexico because there is always Mexicans hanging out in his side yard. His crew meets at his home to go out to construction jobs and guess what it is the same 3 Mexicans every time, Oh yeah that's right to the Republican party all Mexicans look alike.

I am running out of time, I will write on the actual roadtrip later, Bye.