Monday, March 5, 2007


Dave was one of my best friends & I loved him. My favorite thing about Dave was that nothing was ever just "OK". Every new thing, every new place & especially every new person to Dave is "just the coolest! new thing", "just the coolest! new place", "the coolest! new person.

Dave calls me all the time to say "dude you gotta go to the place!" or "dude you gotta meet this guy!" "Kevin you would totally dig 'em"

Imagine being able to be that absolutely excited about every new place you go, every new thing you find, and especially every new person you meet. That would be pretty cool.

Dave did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have often wished I had that sort of enthusiasm. I think those people lead richer lives, and in a way, I envy them. I'm sorry about Dave.