Sunday, January 27, 2008

Explainer of new series of odd people

This is a short explainer of this new series of people I have met that I felt were odd. I know that many of you who know me understand that many of the people I know are slightly off. This is why I am writing on people that have affected me as odd, not what general society would feel is odd. There is going to be no time line or order of any type as to when I met them. As the memories come to me I will write of them. I will not try to remember when I met them or In what one of the various parts of my life I met them. The names will be changed most of the time, except in cases where there is no way to connect them by name to my story. I am writing of these people as I remember them. Granted as a story is told over & over for years the yarn grows thick. So don't try to associate these stories with complete real life if you happen to have known one of the oddities that I write of. I am writing what is in my head about them now. You must realize that what I have of them in my head now pays far more tribute to them than the actual story may have the 1st time it was experienced or told. The fact that they remain with me is a testament to the love of their individuality & the odd way in which they have affected me.

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