The eccentric old science teacher was standing outside the door, anonymously watching the science class struggle with the assignment he had given them. As the student argued over the right way to complete the assignment, he checked their progress by the scents coming from under the door. Inside a light green fog came up, some of the students wandered in circles. some tried to run and fell, one dove through a glass window but still failed to get away from the light green fog. The teacher was oblivious to anything but the scents emanating from the science class. "Sulfur, Actinium, Gallium he said aloud, Then Arsenic matter-of-factly, then Arsenic repeated in alarm. He ran to the deans office without checking on the students. After hearing what scent had come from the class, the dean called up his security & directed them to have the 2 guards from the front gate go to the classroom & shoot the students. The guards obeyed & must have known to be prepared for this contingency. The dean & the Science teacher grabbed a key from a safe & headed to a section of the campus that was wooded & remote. There they approached a large set of copper doors at the bottom of a sloped entry way. The slope was steep, as if the entry would continue down beyond the doors to a deep subterranean level. The dean had called in more security on the way to the copper doors & had them line up to fend off anyone that would be coming to the doors. He inserted the key but did not unlock the doors, he was checking to insure they were locked. He then gave the key to the largest & strongest security guard for safe keeping. The students from the Lab began wandering toward the door. They were in a daze as if hypnotized & drawn to the copper doorway. Other students began coming too, the light blue cloud had floated to other areas of the campus, affecting others as well. The guards shot them as they came & were having no problem keeping them away from the doors. The wind shifted, small particles of the light blue cloud, barely noticeable, floated across the large security guard. He disappeared down by the door. The dean looked around & realizing the guard was gone went down to the doors only to find them open. He immediately shut them & locked them. A minute later the doors were broke open with one hit from the inside & the large guard bolted faster than a cheetah out of the hole. He attacked the 1st person he came to & ripped them to pieces. He ate them in just moments. This broke up the line of the other security guards & the dazed students began filing down the hole. The large security guard would grab one at random as they filed by & rip them to shreds eating them as well. The students approached what was once a chemical barrel but the top had disintegrated & it now resembled a cauldron with a steamy burbling concoction brewing. The students were drawn to it & took handfuls into their mouths, they immediately went into convulsions on the ground as their bodies almost instantly changed taking on traits of the dead but increasing their size & strength 10 fold. As they were complete in their transformation they shot out of the hole taking down anything that moved except for others that had already drank from the cauldron, they even took down others who were entranced by the light blue cloud & on the way to the cauldron. Outside the dean headed around the corner of an old building, he knew he would have time to get away as long as there was a steady stream of people filing towards the doors to keep the beasts fed. He knew that respite would not last long & they would be spanning out in all directions searching for more victims to eat. He ran out of view away from the mele. Through the woods & along a river he ran as fast as he could. The scenery was beautiful, he knew they would be attracted more to the populated areas of town so he remained in the areas with little or no people. Once he came out of the woods, several hours later in another town, he went to a street corner to try to catch a ride. There was already a hitchhiker there that refused to give up his spot in line for the next ride, no matter how much the dean expressed the emergency nature of his travels. The hitchhiker took the next ride. The dean saw the hitchhikers blood splash across the back window. He knew he had been beaten to town by the creatures. He ran along past road food establishments like A&W Root beer & Taste-T-Cream. He came to a girl who was walking along the highway, he asked her how to get to the shipyard. She asked why he wanted to go there. He explained he had to meet some friends there & then try to find a way out onto the ocean to head overseas. She asked him if he was an experienced seaman, he said no. "How do you expect to get a job if you don't know anything about being a seaman?" she asked. He said then he will just have to stow away. She directed him & he headed that way. An odd kid was skateboarding by, the dean recognized him because of the oddness & called out to him. He stopped & was informed by the dean about what happened. They went separate ways, the dean to his attempts to go overseas & the kid to a brick building on a side street not far from where they met. Once inside The kid approached a group of odd looking kids of all strange shapes & sizes wearing uniforms labled The Go! Kids. After explaining to the unruly group the situation they all let out with a giant robot to a fortress in the hills. There they began jumping up & down yelling into a camera for the occupant to let them in. The occupant was hesitant & asked who they were again, the skateboard kid said "Aw cum on doc let us in, you know who we are" the gates opened. Once inside they proceeded down a hallway, at one point the hall narrowed due to some sort of mechanism & the robot could not continue. The robot groaned his displeasure, the kids kept going without even looking back or addressing the bot. Once in the lab the doc had already been aware of what was going on somehow & had been working on some chemicals to try to combat it. He was not even close but had developed one that if ingested would make the zombies think you were already one of them, allowing you more opportunity to move about. He gave this to the kids. The team asked if it had been tested or not (it had not) they drank it anyway.
I woke up.
the Universe does not care about Ken Ham
Creationist huckster, Ken Ham, spent a good part of his recent debate with
Bill Nye babbling about the made up terms “historical science” and
11 years ago
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